by Stacey Davidson | Jul 7, 2021 | Blog, Interview Tips, Interviewing, Job Search
You’ve been called for an interview – it’s tomorrow or the next day and you have little time to practice or prepare. You’re excited and terrified at the same time. What are you going to do? In this article, I’m going to give you my Interview Emergency Preparedness Kit...
by Stacey Davidson | Apr 27, 2021 | Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Interview Tips, Interviewing, Job Search, Self Improvement
You’re in an interview for your ideal job and are asked “What are your greatest strengths?” Do you know how to answer this in a way that will knock your interviewers’ socks off? Are you unsure of how to do so? Don’t worry! I’m going to explain what NOT to...
by Stacey Davidson | Sep 5, 2020 | Blog, Interview Tips, Interviewing, Job Search
When you’re in active job search mode there are some essential things you need to know and be prepared for before you get that interview call – many of which I bet you’ve never thought about!. But don’t worry, today I’m going to tell you everything you need to know...
by Stacey Davidson | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Interview Tips, Interviewing
Are you worried about your next job interview and what kinds of questions to prepare for? Have you heard you need to have ‘success stories’ but don’t know what that means or aren’t sure what types of stories to be prepared with? As a former hiring manager and...
by Stacey Davidson | May 11, 2020 | Blog, Career Coaching, Interview Tips, Interviewing, Job Search
Do you have an online video interview coming up? You haven’t done one before or are anxious about how to impress your interviewers on camera? I’m going to give you 10 Tips to help you look good, feel confident, impress your interviewers, and make your video interview...